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A Short Grammar of Bulgarian for English Speaking Learners - Кратка българска граматика за англоговорящи

Автор: Evgenia Antova, Ekaterina Boytchinova, Poly Benatova
Издателство: Ν/Α
Година: 2002
ISBN: 9549119718
Брой страници: 214
Тегло: 0.2
Формат: 20x13
Цена: 15.00 лв.


The present grammar aims at giving a systematic exposition of Bulgarian morphology, pronunciation and spelling for foreigners speaking English as a native or as a second language and studying Bulgarian with or without a teacher, and for teachers of Bulgarian. In it syntax is touched upon only briefly and in connection with morphology, when the uses of a morphological form are explained.

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